Runoff generation dynamics within a humid river basin
The present paper introduces an analytical approach for the description of the soil water balance and runoff production within a schematic river basin. The model is based on a stochastic…
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - DICEA
The present paper introduces an analytical approach for the description of the soil water balance and runoff production within a schematic river basin. The model is based on a stochastic…
In general, different mechanisms may be identified as responsible of runoff generation during ordinary events or extraordinary events at the basin scale. In a simplified scheme these mechanisms may be…
The present paper introduces an analytical approach for the description of the soil water balance dynamics over a schematic river basin. The model is based on a stochastic differential equation…
The EU Water Framework Directive 2000/ 60 (Integrated River Basin Management for Europe) establishes the importance of preserving water quality through policies applied at watershed level given the strong links…
Olive trees (Olea europaea L.) are commonly grown in the Mediterranean basin where prolonged droughts may occur during the vegetative period. This species has developed a series of physiological mechanisms,…
In the present work, we describe an extended flood risk analysis carried out in the Adige River basin in Italy. The methodologies adopted were used in a comparative approach that…
The present research was aimed to evaluate flooding exposure by exploiting the potential of morphological indices (e.g., drainage area, local slope, curvature, etc.). It was found that the areas exposed…
The comment by Nadarajah focuses on the spatial correlation function of the rainfall forcing adopted in the theoretical analysis of the soil water balance addressed by Isham et al. and…
Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is commonly grown in the Mediterranean basin where prolonged droughts may occur during the vegetative period. This species has developed a series of physiological mechanisms…
For the analysis of hydrological extremes and particularly in flood prediction, deeper investigation is needed on the relative effects of different hydrological processes acting at the basin scale in different…
Characterizing the spatial dynamics of soil moisture fields is a key issue in hydrology, offering an avenue to improve our understanding of complex land surface–atmosphere interactions. In this paper, the…
The objetive of the present research was the evaluation of the flood exposure of the Italian territory. For this reason, the national territory has been subdivided in national, interregional and…
The flood frequency estimation in ungauged basins requires the development of innovative statistical tools aimed to improve the available techniques for risk assessment. This research is aimed to better understand…
Recent work by Isham et al. and Rodrìguez-Iturbe et al. has characterized the space- time variability of soil moisture through its analytically derived covariance function which depends on soil properties,…
The present paper complements that of Isham et al. (2005), who introduced a space-time soil moisture model driven by stochastic space-time rainfall forcing with homogeneous vegetation and in the absence…