Prof. Ing. Salvatore Manfreda
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale (DICEA), Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, via Claudio, 21, 80125 Napoli.
Contatti: (e-mail), salvatore.manfreda (Skype Name).
Social: Twitter, Linkedin, Researchgate, Slideshare
He graduated with honors in Civil Engineering, specializing in Hydraulic Engineering, from the University of Basilicata (UniBas) in 2001. In 2004, he earned his Ph.D. in Methods and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring from a program run by a consortium composed of the University of Basilicata, Rome La Sapientia University, University of Genoa, University of L’Aquila, and University of Florence. From 2004 to 2005, he worked as a research associate at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University. He held the position of research fellow from 2006 to 2008, researcher from 2008 to 2014, and then became an Associate Professor of Hydraulic and Maritime Constructions and Hydrology (ICAR/02) from 2014 to 2019 at UniBas. He is currently Full Professor of Hydraulic and Maritime Constructions and Hydrology (ICAR/02) at the University of Naples Federico II.
Throughout his career, he has been actively engaged in teaching across various academic programs. His expertise extends to the fields of Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture. Notably, he has offered instruction in the following courses:
- Hydrology
- Advanced Hydrological Monitoring
- Hydraulic Constructions
- Flood Risk Protection and Land Reclamations
- Water Resources Management
- Engineering Methods for Irrigation
- Hydrology and Hydraulic Constructions
- Ecohydrology
Presently, he holds the position of lecturer for the Flood Risk Protection and Land Reclamations, Hydraulic Construction and Advanced Hydrological Monitoring courses within the framework of the Federico II Polytechnic School. Beyond his local teaching commitments, he has also made significant contributions to international education initiatives. His teaching engagements have taken place at esteemed university institutions and research centers, both within Italy and abroad.
[2008-10] “Water Management”, International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies al Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), Creta.
[2008-09] “Regional water balance: investigation, surface water hydrology and groundwater hydraulics and management”, MAIB (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari), Bari.
[2010] Summer school Advances in Ecohydrology, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo.
[2011] “Mini-Hydro”, Project ENER-SUPPLY ENergy Efficiency and Renewables-SUPporting Policies in Local level for EnergY, South east Europe – Transnational Cooperative Programme, Comune di Potenza.
[2011] Summer School on Monitoring and Modeling Surface Hydrological Processes, Parco Appennino Lucano, Marsico.
[2013] Summer School on Methods and Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Modeling: Hydrological and Hydraulic Risk, UniBas, Matera.
[2014] Summer School on Modeling Spatial/Temporal Heterogeneity in Ecohydrological Systems, UniBas, Matera.
[2015] Summer School on Applied Course on UAVs for Environmental Monitoring, UniBas, Matera.
[2016] Summer School on UASs for environmental monitoring, UniBas, Matera.
[2018] Summer School on Harmonized UAS techniques: Introduction to data acquisition and preprocessing, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.
[2019] International Winter School on Hydrology: Data Rich Hydrology, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Perugia.
[2008] “Ecologia” e “Idrologia”, ARCHE’ – Ente per la Formazione ed il Management.
[2009] “Equazioni stocastiche differenziali applicate all’idrologia” per Dottorandi, UniBas.
[2010] “Modelli idrologici di valutazione delle piene e sistemi di preannuncio”, Master UniBas.
[2011] “Idrologia di base”, Master Universitario APRI (Apprendimento Permanente Rischio Idraulico e Risorse Idriche), CINID.
[2013] “Formazione di squadre di volontari per attività di presidio idraulico”, Protezione Civile della regione Basilicata.
[2013] “Idrologia e Idraulica I” e “Idrologia e Idraulica II“, Master ESPRI – ESperto in Previsione/Prevenzione Rischio Idrogeologico, CINID.
[2015-18] “Statistica Applicata con Matlab I” per Dottorandi, UniBas.
[2017] “La progettazione delle opere di difesa dalle alluvioni e dalle frane”, Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri (CNI).
[2018] “Sistemi Avanzati per il Monitoraggio Idraulico”, PAMO srl.
[2019] “Tecniche di Telerilevamento e SwPIX 4D e PHOTO SCAN”, ELDAIFP.
[2019] “Droni: pilotaggio, rilevamento e rielaborazione dei dati”, PAMO srl.
[2008 up to date] Editorial Board di Ecohydrology (Wiley).
[2013 up to date ] Editorial Board di Hydrology (MPDI).
[2020 up to date] Editorial Board di Plants sezione Plant–Soil Interactions (MPDI).
[2020 up to date] Editorial Board di Frontiers in Remote Sensing – Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs and UAVs)
[2021 up to date] Editorial Board di DRONES (MPDI).
[2007] Guest Editor per lo special issue “Climate-soil and vegetation interactions in ecological hydrological processes”, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS).
[2010] Guest Editor per lo special issue “Coupled ecological–hydrological processes”, Ecohydrology (Wiley).
[2017] Guest Editor per lo special issue “Advances in Large Scale Flood Monitoring and Detection”, Hydrology (MDPI).
[2017] Guest Editor per lo special issue “Impact of Climate on Hydrological Extremes”, Water (MDPI).
[2019] Guest Editor per lo special issue “Progress on the Use of UAS Techniques for Environmental Monitoring”, Remote Sensing (MDPI).
[2019] Guest Editor per lo special issue “Hydrological and Environmental Modeling: From Observations to Predictions”, Water (MDPI).
[2019 up to date] Reviewer for the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
[2015 up to date] Reviewer for the European Commission – for Horizon 2020 and HORIZON EU programs.