Book Chapters (Peer reviewed)

  1. Albertini C., A. Gioia, V. lacobellis, S. Manfreda and G. P. Petropoulos, Exploring the use of random forest classifier with Sentinel-2 imagery in flooded area mapping, Geographical Information Science: case studies in earth and environmental monitoring edited by George P. Petropoulos and Christos Chalkias, 2024. [link]
  2. Pizarro, A., Dal Sasso, S. F., Peña-Haro, S., & Manfreda, S. (2024). Urban river management by innovative monitoring. In Managing Urban Rivers (pp. 315-331). Elsevier. [pdf]
  3. Manfreda, S., E. Ben Dor, Remote sensing of the environment using unmanned aerial systems, in Unmanned Aerial Systems for Monitoring Soil, Vegetation, and Riverine Environments edited by S. Manfreda and E. Ben Dor, Elsevier, 2023. [Link]
  4. Herban, S., Manfreda, S., Tmušić, G., Maltese, A., & Brook, A. (2023). Protocols for UAS-based observation. In Unmanned Aerial Systems for Monitoring Soil, Vegetation, and Riverine Environments edited by S. Manfreda and E. Ben Dor, (pp. 37-69). Elsevier.
  5. Zhuang, R., S. Manfreda, Y. Zeng, Z. Su, E. Ben Dor and G. P. Petropoulos, Soil moisture monitoring using unmanned aerial system, in Unmanned Aerial Systems for Monitoring Soil, Vegetation, and Riverine Environments edited by S. Manfreda and E. Ben Dor, Elsevier, 2023. [Link]
  6. Eltner, A., Manfreda, S., Hortobagyi, B., Image Sequences Processing, UAVs for the environmental sciences, edited by Eltner, A.; D. Hoffmeister; A. Kaiser, P. Karrasch, L. Klingbeil, C. Stöcker, A. Rovere, (ISBN 978-3-534-40588-6), 260-272, 2022. [Link]
  7. Goncalves, G., J. J. Arranz, S. Herban, P. Dvorak, S. Manfreda, Assessing the Accuracy of Digital Surface Models of an Earthen Dam Derived from SfM Techniques, Fundamentals   of Capturing and Processing Drone Imagery and Data, Taylor and Francis, 2021.
  8. Lazzari, M., M. Piccarreta, R. L. Ray and S. Manfreda, Modelling antecedent soil moisture to constrain rainfall thresholds for shallow landslides occurrence, Landslides edited by Dr. Ram Ray, IntechOpen, pp. 1-331, (doi: 10.5772/intechopen.92730) 2020. [Link]
  9. Manfreda,S., S. F. Dal Sasso, A. Pizarro, F. Tauro, Chapter 10: New Insights Offered by UAS for River Monitoring, Applications of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Best Practices and Case Studies, CRC Press,Taylor & Francis Grous, 211, (doi: 10.1201/9780429244117-10) 2019.
  10. Fiorentino, M., A. Gioia, S. Manfreda, V. Totaro, V. Iacobellis, Impatto del clima sugli eventi idrologici estremi, Editoriale Bios, 2019.
  11. Sole, A., R. Albano, C. Samela, I. Craciun, A. Perrone, S. Manfreda and A. Ozunu, Large scale flood risk mapping: an application over Romania, Editoriale Bios, 2019.
  12. Fiorentino, M., A. Gioia, S. Manfreda, V. Iacobellis, Confronto di differenti metodologie per la determinazione dell’area contribuente al picco di piena, Tecniche per la Difesa dall’Inquinamento, Editoriale Bios, 2018. 
  13. Manfreda, S., C. Samela, T.J. Troy, The use of DEM-based approaches to derive a priori information on flood-prone areas, in Flood monitoring through remote sensing edited by A. Refice, A. D’Addabbo, D. Capolongo, Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry, pp 61-79, 2018. [Link]
  14. D’Addabbo, A., A. Refice, D. Capolongo, G. Pasquariello, and S. Manfreda, Data fusion through Bayesian methods for flood monitoring from remotely sensed data, in Flood monitoring through remote sensing edited by A. Refice, A. D’Addabbo, D. Capolongo, Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry, pp 181-208, 2018. [Link]
  15. Sole, A., C. Samela, A. Cantisani, L. Giuzio, S. Manfreda, Stima delle aree inondabili mediante metodi geomorfologici e modellazione idraulica mono e bi-dimensionale: applicazione al Fiume Bradano, Tecniche per la Difesa dall’Inquinamento, Editoriale Bios, 2015. 
  16. Fiorentino, M., S. Manfreda, Confronto fra i tempi di ritorno di piogge e portate di rilevante entità, Tecniche per la Difesa dall’Inquinamento, Editoriale Bios, 2011.
  17. Fiorentino, M., S. Manfreda, M.R. Margiotta, B. Onorati, Risultati delle indagini sperimentali condotte sul bacino Fiumarella di Corleto, Tecniche per la Difesa dall’Inquinamento, Editoriale Bios, pp. 167-178, 2010.
  18. Manfreda, S., L. Giuzio, L. Giosa, B. Onorati, A. Sole, V.A. Copertino, Utilizzo di tecniche GIS per la delineazione di aree di inondazione nei tronchi incisi, alluvionati e incassati di un corso d’acqua: sviluppo di un metodo geomorfologico applicato al bacino del fiume Basento, in Catalogo di morfologie fluviali ed instabilità idrodinamiche nei corsi d’acqua di V.A. Copertino, G. Scavone, V. Telesca, Editoriale Bios, pp. 679-694, (ISBN: 978-88-6093-061-3), 2009. 
  19. Manfreda, S., A. Sole, M. Fiorentino, Can the basin morphology alone provide an insight on floodplain delineation?, on Flood Recovery Innovation and Response (edited by C.A. Brebbia), WITpress, 47-58, 2008. [Link]
  20. Manfreda, S. and M. Fiorentino, Flood Volume Estimation and Flood Mitigation: Adige river basin, in “Mountains: Sources of Water, Sources of Knowledge”, Series: Advances in Global Change Research, Vol. 31 Ed. by Ellen Wiegandt, pp. 243-264, (ISBN:978-1-4020-6747-1) 2008.  [Link]
  21. Fiorentino, M., D. Carriero, V. Iacobellis, S. Manfreda, I. Portoghese, MEDCLUB – starting line and first activities, In: Predictions in Ungauged Basins: Promises and Progress edited by Murugesu Sivapalan, Thorsten Wagener, Stefan Uhlenbrook, Erwin Zehe, Venkat Lakshmi, Xu Liang, Yasuto Tachikawa & Praveen Kumar,  IAHS Publ. 303, (ISBN 1-901502-48-1), 2006. 
  22. Carone, M.T., S. Manfreda, T. Simoniello, & M. Macchiato, Localization of Buffer Strips by using IFF Field Data and Landsat-TM Satellite Data, Proceedings of River Basin Management III,  WITPress, Vol. 83: 193-201, 2005. [Link]
  23. Carone, M.T. and S. Manfreda, A model devoted to study the ecological restoration of fluvial habitats: a case study, first results, Water Pollution VII:  Modelling, Measuring and Prediction (edited by C.A. Brebbia), WITpress, pp. 3-12, (ISBN 1-85312-976-3), 2003. [Link]
  24. Manfreda, S., D. Carriero, V. Iacobellis, A. Sole & M. Fiorentino, The Effects of Soil Properties on Floods in the Agri Basin (Southern Italy), River Basin Management II (edited by C.A. Brebbia), WITpress, pp. 321-330, (ISBN 1-85312-966-6), 2003.